Seoul Business Agency (“SBA”) is a business support institution for SMEs and startups, run by Seoul metropolitan government in Korea with the following missions and tasks.
SBA’s OPEN INNOVATION (“OI”) is a program that connects and matches challenges of problem owners of not only startups and SMEs, but also large enterprises, and government agencies to a pool of problem solvers who have different expertise.
A pool of problem solvers within the OI program refers to the Korean startups in various sectors such as mobility, HRTech, FinTech, healthcare, EdTech, PropTech, media & entertainment etc., who are preparing to launch their business in South East Asia (“SEA”) and strong desire to establish offices in the region.
Although the problem solvers are the startups, they have a relevant capability, and are specially hand picked by SBA together with KK Fund as advisor and consultant. Eventually problem solvers will be evaluated and selected by the problem owners (i.e. corporates and government agencies).